Today dinner, I try stinky tofu. I do not think I will eat stinky tofu for the second times. =P Ooi Shau Ming and Phua Boon Ping, if both of you would like to have a try, I think I still can accompany you for the last times. Then I will not take it anymore. I have to brush my teeth for so many times after ate the stinky tofu. @.@
Fighting with an insect in the toilet after back from the dinner. A few seconds ago, I only sat on the toilet bowl. A few seconds later, I find out that there is an insect inside the toilet bowl. Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
Michelle, Boon Ping, where are you!!! Insect ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
How am I going to sit on the toilet bowl for coming six weeks?