At 8:30am, while waiting Wei Wei An at Xi Men Ding MRT Station, I walk around Xi Men Ding. Finally I can give Wei Wei An a real hug!!!!
We have western breakfast.
Black coffee. I prefer black coffee and western breakfast!!!
After that we go to 中正纪念堂.
I am so bad luck, Taipei start raining!!! =(
Every each hour there will be having soldier marching ceremony. Miss those day marching under the hot sun!!
We take MRT to Jian Tan Station and walk to 士林官邸. And we have another cup of coffee there while wait the rain stop!!! After that we have a tour inside the 官邸. It takes around 30 minutes!!!!
There have a lot of mosquito might be is because of after rain. And, there have a large garden, a nice place to take photos!!!!!!!!
Outside the house.
Next stop - Hello Kitty Sweet. Wei Wei An, I really do not know how to sing Happy Birthday song. Paiseh la!!! Hope you enjoy the birthday celebration.
The birthday cake.
The souvenir bought from Hello Kitty Sweet.
So sad!!Yoke could not make it on time!!!At the only two of us enjoy the pinkish environment in Hello Kitty Sweet. The dessert here is out of expectation, is nice!! I always think that this kind of restaurant only has nice environment but has poor food quality.
孔庙 - 圆山站
Meet Yoke after Hello Kitty Sweet at Yuan Shan Station.
Dinner of the day.
After took in too much of dessert, I desperately looking for something salty.
Thank you Wei Wei An for the biscuit!!!