Today, school has prepared a session for kids to have western food as lunch. Because the school is at village, so most of the kids never eat western food before. You will see the kids have excited faces when they are having their meal.
Happiness can be so simple.
Evening, have a visit to Tai Zhung again.
(28.06.2011) Day 34: A visit to tea manufacturing factory
Night, as usual have to go kids house for dinner. But, tonight have a little bit special, the student's family is manufacturing tea. They have their own tea farm, tea factory. Their house is a bit far from where I stay, around 30 minutes journey with the speed 110km/j.
Unfortunately I do not take any photo because I feel that is a little bit inappropriate. The student's mother has explained to me the whole process of making tea. From the tea leaves send back from farm until put in packet, it needs 2 days without stop the process. So they need 3 shift of workers.
And, because of raining they stop making tea today, so I have no chance to involve in the process. =(
A gift from the parents. =)
(27.06.2011) Day 33: 6 classes a day!!!
@.@ Back from Taipei and go to the school as usual, according to time table I will be having six classes a day for consecutively 3 days!! Get ready to lost my voice soon!!!
Since is the last week for this semester, the kids getting free (they had finished their final exam last week), to make the class more fun, I have prepared to teach them how to play congkak.
Since is the last week for this semester, the kids getting free (they had finished their final exam last week), to make the class more fun, I have prepared to teach them how to play congkak.
(26.06.2011) Day 32: 九份老街+台中
Is time to get back to kampung - day 32!
Have a breakfast with Shi Jie at the morning market.
This is the first time I take TRA.
I reach Jiu Fen after around 1 and a half hours of travel journey.
The view from Jiu Fen.
Jiu Fen is one of the tourist attraction in Taipei County.
Since I need to go back to Tai Zhung before evening, so I could not spend too much time here.
Conclusion of the day - you need to have a good stamina if you plan to become a backpacker.
Tonight, have a good chat with one of the teacher in the school. And I will be overnight at her house.
Have a breakfast with Shi Jie at the morning market.
This is the first time I take TRA.
I reach Jiu Fen after around 1 and a half hours of travel journey.
The view from Jiu Fen.
Jiu Fen is one of the tourist attraction in Taipei County.
Since I need to go back to Tai Zhung before evening, so I could not spend too much time here.
Conclusion of the day - you need to have a good stamina if you plan to become a backpacker.
Tonight, have a good chat with one of the teacher in the school. And I will be overnight at her house.
(25.06.2011) Day 31: 西门町+故宫+台北小巨蛋+Hello Kitty Sweet AGAIN
A heavy rain at the early morning, so I forced to cancel the date with Wei Wei An and continue sleep. A weird feeling - may be because of raining - I lazy to go out although there are still lot of the places I never visit before!
Afternoon - the rain become smaller and finally stop so we follow the earlier plan go 故宫!
Before go to 故宫,walk around Xi Men Ding and have a drink - 绿盖!
One of the street in Xi Men Ding!
故宫 - Museum
From Shi Lin MRT Station, we walk to 故宫 is about 50 minutes walking journey. Mad!!! We should take bus instead of walk!! Anyhow have a nice chatting session with Wei Wei An during this journey.
We stay in the 故宫for whole evening until received a call from Yoke.
We plan to go have a look at 台北小巨蛋before heading to dinner!
Again, we go to Hello Kitty Sweet to have dinner and Pre-Birthday Celebration with Yoke.
And this is the end of the Day3 in Taipei, and get ready to go back kampung tomorrow evening.
Afternoon - the rain become smaller and finally stop so we follow the earlier plan go 故宫!
Before go to 故宫,walk around Xi Men Ding and have a drink - 绿盖!
One of the street in Xi Men Ding!
故宫 - Museum
From Shi Lin MRT Station, we walk to 故宫 is about 50 minutes walking journey. Mad!!! We should take bus instead of walk!! Anyhow have a nice chatting session with Wei Wei An during this journey.
We stay in the 故宫for whole evening until received a call from Yoke.
We plan to go have a look at 台北小巨蛋before heading to dinner!
Again, we go to Hello Kitty Sweet to have dinner and Pre-Birthday Celebration with Yoke.
And this is the end of the Day3 in Taipei, and get ready to go back kampung tomorrow evening.
(24.06.2011) Day 30: 中正纪念堂+士林官邸+Hello Kitty Sweet+圆山
Taipei - Day 30, I have a date with Wei Wei An! I have a nice sleep last night, I wonder why Yoke's bed is always so nice to sleep??
At 8:30am, while waiting Wei Wei An at Xi Men Ding MRT Station, I walk around Xi Men Ding. Finally I can give Wei Wei An a real hug!!!!
We have western breakfast.
Black coffee. I prefer black coffee and western breakfast!!!
After that we go to 中正纪念堂.
I am so bad luck, Taipei start raining!!! =(
Every each hour there will be having soldier marching ceremony. Miss those day marching under the hot sun!!

We take MRT to Jian Tan Station and walk to 士林官邸. And we have another cup of coffee there while wait the rain stop!!! After that we have a tour inside the 官邸. It takes around 30 minutes!!!!
There have a lot of mosquito might be is because of after rain. And, there have a large garden, a nice place to take photos!!!!!!!!
Outside the house.
Next stop - Hello Kitty Sweet. Wei Wei An, I really do not know how to sing Happy Birthday song. Paiseh la!!! Hope you enjoy the birthday celebration.
The birthday cake.
The souvenir bought from Hello Kitty Sweet.
So sad!!Yoke could not make it on time!!!At the only two of us enjoy the pinkish environment in Hello Kitty Sweet. The dessert here is out of expectation, is nice!! I always think that this kind of restaurant only has nice environment but has poor food quality.
孔庙 - 圆山站
Meet Yoke after Hello Kitty Sweet at Yuan Shan Station.
Dinner of the day.
After took in too much of dessert, I desperately looking for something salty.
Thank you Wei Wei An for the biscuit!!!
At 8:30am, while waiting Wei Wei An at Xi Men Ding MRT Station, I walk around Xi Men Ding. Finally I can give Wei Wei An a real hug!!!!
We have western breakfast.
Black coffee. I prefer black coffee and western breakfast!!!
After that we go to 中正纪念堂.
I am so bad luck, Taipei start raining!!! =(
Every each hour there will be having soldier marching ceremony. Miss those day marching under the hot sun!!
We take MRT to Jian Tan Station and walk to 士林官邸. And we have another cup of coffee there while wait the rain stop!!! After that we have a tour inside the 官邸. It takes around 30 minutes!!!!
There have a lot of mosquito might be is because of after rain. And, there have a large garden, a nice place to take photos!!!!!!!!
Outside the house.
Next stop - Hello Kitty Sweet. Wei Wei An, I really do not know how to sing Happy Birthday song. Paiseh la!!! Hope you enjoy the birthday celebration.
The birthday cake.
The souvenir bought from Hello Kitty Sweet.
So sad!!Yoke could not make it on time!!!At the only two of us enjoy the pinkish environment in Hello Kitty Sweet. The dessert here is out of expectation, is nice!! I always think that this kind of restaurant only has nice environment but has poor food quality.
孔庙 - 圆山站
Meet Yoke after Hello Kitty Sweet at Yuan Shan Station.
Dinner of the day.
After took in too much of dessert, I desperately looking for something salty.
Thank you Wei Wei An for the biscuit!!!
(23.06.2011) Day 29: Taipei, I am coming!!!
With my new shoes bought last week, with one laptop bag, with one handbag and with one sling bag and I am ready to go Taipei after school!!!Excited!! Wei Wei An, finally we can meet each other after 1 months in Taiwan!!! =)
Today, actually I have no class in school since the kids are having their final exam. What I have to do is just sit in the office and wait the school bell ring!!!
One of the night market near 捷运府中站
This is my second time travel using HSR. It cost me NTD675 from Tai Zhung to Taipei. Expensive but it only take 1 hour to Taipei from Tai Zhung!!
While just reached Taipei Station, received a call from Yoke and tell me that take MRT to Fu Zhong Station!! @.@ I have totally no idea where am I right know and where I should go to change MRT!! Luckily, what u need to do is just follow the direction board and you will reach the destination that you wish easily!!!
It show how convenient the public transport in Taiwan!
One of the shopping area (商圈)near Fu Zhong Station
Is time to sleep and tomorrow morning will meet Wei Wei An!!! =)
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